In Japan, good courtesy and consideration towards others are highly valued, and misbehaving may cause frictions. So please discover useful tip of Japanese etiquettes here.

We hope the etiquette tips below help you get more out of your stay in Japan.

-Put your phone on vibrate in the metro. -Do not eat on public transport or on the street.
-Bow to say hello. -Do not smoke wherever you want.
-Wait for the bus in single line. -No bise.
-Take off your shoes in some places. -Do not throw things in the street.
-Bring food when you go to someone's house. -Do not blow your nose in public.
-Use the slippers available. -Do not put away a business card when it has just been given to us.
-Say itadakimasu before eating. -No need to give a tip.
-Exchange a business card in front of the person, greet and give it with both hands. -Do not plant your chopsticks in rice.
- Give up your seat in public transport if necessary. -Do not cross when the pedestrian is red.
- Line up in the escalators one behind the other on the left or right side depending on the city. -Do not use the reserved places in public transport.
-Respect traffic rules. -Do not point your chopsticks at anyone.
-Sort the trash. -Do not leave your chopsticks in the dish when you have finished eating.
-Do not stare at people in the street.
-Do not speak in the elevators.
-Do not use public baths if you have tattoos.

Useful words 

-Ohayou gozamimasu: Good morning 

-Konnichiwa: Hello

-Konbanwa: Good evening

-Hajimemashite: Nice to meet you

-Gochisou sama deshita: It was good and plentiful (at the end of a meal)

-Itadaki masu: I humbly receive this meal (before eating)

-Arigato (gozaimasu): Thank you

-Douitashimashite: You're welcome

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